What You Need To Know: Eligibility For Concealed Weapons Permit in Florida

You may be wondering what you need to do in order to obtain your concealed weapons permit in Florida. We are here to answer a few of your questions.

Who is eligible to obtain their concealed weapons permit in Florida?

Anyone over the age of 21 who can demonstrate competency with a firearm.

What could possible prevent someone from obtaining their concealed weapons permit in Florida?

  • The physical inability to handle a firearm safely.
  • A felony conviction (unless civil and firearm rights have been restored by the convicting authority).
  • Having adjudication withheld or sentence suspended on a felony or misdemeanor crime of violence unless three years have elapsed since probation or other conditions set by the court have been fulfilled.
  • A conviction for a misdemeanor crime of violence in the last three years.
  • A conviction for violation of controlled substance laws or multiple arrests for such offenses.
  • A record of drug or alcohol abuse.
  • Two or more DUI convictions within the previous three years.
  • Being committed to a mental institution or adjudged incompetent or mentally defective.
  • Failing to provide proof of proficiency with a firearm.
  • Having been issued a domestic violence injunction or an injunction against repeat violence that is currently in force.
  • Renouncement of U.S. citizenship.
  • A dishonorable discharge from the armed forces.
  • Being a fugitive from justice.

(FDACS www.freshfromflorida.com)

What is the process to obtain a concealed weapons permit?

The Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services administers the concealed weapon license program. Florida law requires you to submit proof of competency with a firearm in order to qualify for a concealed weapon license. Various certification courses will provide you with a certificate of completion.

What happens if I’m arrested for possession of a firearm and I have a valid concealed weapons permit?

As long as the weapon is properly stored or carried, it should not be a problem. If you have been charged with a gun offense, whether a simple violation of permit laws or the use of a weapon to commit another crime, you want an experienced lawyer to protect your constitutional rights, someone who understands how these crimes are prosecuted, as well as the serious consequences of a conviction. Call the team at the Law Offices of Eric Reisinger for a FREE consultation today.